Lazy Evaluation with Expression Templates (1)


Tags: GSoC Shogun

In last post I talked about the ongoing refactor of linalg. So we are going to have untemplated vector and matrix types, using a void pointer and checking type information in runtime. Say you have some vectors and do some computations like

Vector a, b, c;
c = add(add(a, b), c);

A simple idea is to switch over element types of vectors and call templated routine linalg::add<T>. In this way we will have to switch every time, over each expression involved, e.g, a, b, c and a+b. This is not desirable not only for runtime overhead but also much boilerplate code we will have to add.

To prevent redundant big switches every time, lazy evaluation is a quite nice idea here. Let’s start with a simple Vector:

class Vector {
    Vector(void* data, EPrimitiveType ptype);
    operator SGVector<T>();
    EPrimitiveType ptype;
    void* data;

It has templated conversion operator, which allows conversion to SGVector<T> that shares the underlying memory.

To support lazy evaluation, we define expression types to represent the expression to be evaluated such that a expression tree consisting of multiple expressions can be evaluated at one time.

template <typename E>
class Exp {
    E& self() { return *static_cast<E*>(this) }
    const E& self() const { return *static_cast<const E*>(this); }

Note that Exp is a templated class since we are using CRTP pattern to support static polymorphism.

One of the expression types we have is VectorExp. By Vector it means that it evaluates to some Vector. Similarly we can have MatrixExp and so on. Then we can derive specific types of vector expressions., for example BinaryVectorExp is a template class that represents some binary expressions with a custom operator.

template <typename E>
class VectorExp: public Exp<VectorExp<E>>;

template <
    typename OP, 
    typename E1, 
    typename E2
class BinaryVectorExp: public VectorExp<BinaryVectorExp<OP, E1, E2>>;

Here OP is an operator class that defines the templated evaluation process. For example, vector addition can be defined like:

struct VectorAdd {
    VectorAdd(double alpha, double beta): alpha(alpha), beta(beta) { }

    SGVector<T> apply (
        const SGVector<T>& a, 
        const SGVector<T>& b
    ) {
        return linalg::add(a, b, alpha, beta);

    double alpha, beta;

Now we can put things to an expression. An expression may contain simply a vector, or one or more expressions and an operator. The problem we have now is how we put a vector to an expression since it is an expression actually. This is important since it is reasonable that add can accept both Vector and VectorExp. We define the expression type, VectorRefExp. By wrapping a Vector instance into a VectorRefExp, we are able to use vector as other expression types when writing an expression.

class VectorRefExp: public VectorExp<VectorRefExp>
    Vector vector;

The last step for this is to define a wrapper method can accept either Vector or VectorExp. Let’s continue with the vector addition example above.

template <
    typename E1,
    typename E2
auto add_impl(VectorExp<E1> e1, VectorExp<E2> e2, double alpha, double beta)
    return BinaryVectorExp(VectorAdd(alpha, beta), e1.self(), e2.self());

template <typename... Args>
auto add(Args&& args...)
    return add_impl(forward_exp<Args>(args)...);

In this example, arguments are forwarded to add_impl and cast to VectorRefExp whenever Vector is passed by forward_exp.

Now we could write down our lazy expression like:

Vector a, b;
// do some initialization
auto c = add(a, b); // c is an intermediate expression
Vector d = add(c, a); // implicitly trigger evaluation when assigning to a vector

How do we evaluate such an expression? Let’s talk about it in the next post.

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